Halifax Therapeutic Cannabis Painting Night
Puff & Paint Ltd. is committed to reducing the stigma surrounding the medical cannabis community.The creative process of painting does wonders to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being. Puff & Paint Ltd. embraces and promotes the combination of medical cannabis with the therapeutic benefits of painting. Join us at NAC Halifax for an evening of […]
Som das Ostras Festival – Tem Rock na Logoa
Esse verão promete na Lagoa da Coca Cola!! Um final de semana só com os melhores do Rock! E ainda teremos Food Trucks, espaço infantil e muito mais!
Wagner Gamma & Trio Reggae Music
Chegamos #1 Vez Com Wagner Gama, cantor e compositor do Distrito Federal no Sabazius Pub para cantar o melhor do "reggae roots". Com o trio composto por Gobbi Gobbi no contrabaixo & Fernando Mello Nedel - Bateria , Lendas como Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Johnny Clarke, Barrington Levy, Pablo Moses, Don Carlos, Gregory Isaacs, Peter […]
Winnipeg Cooking with Cannabis 201
Join local chef Allan Pineda in his second level cannabis cooking class! We'll be focusing on terpenes and how they interact and pair with everyday foods, showing an endless way to pair your medicine with healthy, delicious foods.
Hacemos el cannafest con el objetivo de recaudar fondos para poder viajar a la 8va marcha nacional de la marihuana en capital federa el 7 de diciembre, con el objetivo de no ser mas criminalizados y reclamar por el derecho al autocultivo para todo sus usos y en todas sus formas. con tu entrada estas […]
Talleres: Ayahuasca Homepatica y Aceite de Cannabis
Costo total por ambos talleres: $3,000 mxn. Reserva con $1,000 y paga el resto el dia del evento. Forma de pago: Cuenta: 5256 7810 8974 8995 Banco: Banamex u OXXO Contacto: Tel: (442) 253 9954 Whats App: 442 230 6914 Horario de Atencion: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm *LOS TALLERES VIENEN JUNTOS NO POR SEPARADO […]
Cannabis Tours presents The Bay Area Wine & Weed Tour
For the discerning wine and cannabis consumer comes Cannabis Tours latest craft experience - Bay Area Wine & Weed Tours. The next tours will be: - November 25th - December 23rd Join us for a 4.5-hour tour where you’ll smoke, sip, learn, laugh, and experience the best of the Bay Area’s unique wine and weed […]
Cannabis: the indigenous way forward
With the Federal government legalizing cannabis, and the Province creating a Crown Corporation to monopolize it, indigenous people are figuring out their options. On Sunday, November 26th, Medicine Wheel Natural Healing is hosting meeting from 12pm to 5pm at the Community Hall in Alderville Fist Nation. This gathering is the latest in a series of […]
22 Edição (Reggae & Rock) no Conic
Neste Domingo na #22 edição (Reggae & Rock) no #conic as 15hs, evento #0800 . Coletivo Ocupa reggae convida Selecta DJ SPIDER só porrada pela 1 vez direto do Maranhão / Banda de Rock do Distrito Federal Dom Ticones E a Entidade . Venha curtir na verdadeira paz do reggae music . E Por favor […]
Legal Marijuana Now volunteers meeting
Diamonds Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN, United StatesMeet in the back room at Diamonds to plan for Election '18. Join the fight for freedom!