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Global Cannabis March 2017!
6 de mayo, 2017 às 13:00 - 18:00 UTC-3

Every year on or around the first Saturday in May, there is Rally to end cannabis prohibition in over 175 cities around the world! Join the Illinois Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws as we continue this unfortunately necessary tradition of standing up and demanding policy that works FOR the people!
Our speakers include!
Ali Nagib! The Assistant Director of Illinois NORML, he has fought for cannabis policy reform here in Illinois for the better part of a decade, playing instrumental roles in our current statewide decriminalization policy along with our Medical Cannabis Pilot Program.
LeeAnn Kosmen! A hard-working mother and business owner, she is also a qualified medical cannabis patient who prefers the safer cannabis to the pharmaceutical heroin she’s been prescribed in the past. She has suffered legal consequences for attempting to grow her own medicine, and has a few things to say the policy that criminalizes productive and loving members of society.
There will be live painting by Chris Skeduleone(supremely fitting for cannabis’ unjust classification on the controlled substances list), and we will be raffling off his finished piece!
As always there will be live musical performances, this year by
Illuminati Congo
The Wasted Pterodactyls
DJ Whiteowl
Get Up With the Get Downs
More to be announced!
As always, this is a FREE Rally, and is family friendly( as prohibition affects us all). Let’s make this year our biggest Rally YET! Bring your smiling faces, drums, and come out early to make a sign! See you at DALEY PLAZA