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Cannabis: Legal, Scientific, Industrial, and Medical Nuances
17 de November, 2017 às 19:30 - 22:30 UTC-3

Cannabis: Legal, Scientific, Industrial, and Medical Nuances
Bio Nano Arkansas (BNA) Networking Event, 2017
The Bio Nano Arkansas (bionanoark.weebly.com) is holding 2017 its networking event on “Cannabis: Legal, Scientific, Industrial, and Medical Nuances”, one of the hottest issues in Arkansas. Speakers for the are Dr. Hershey Garner from the Highlands Oncology Group, Dr. Tammy Post from BetterLiving RX, Jason Martin from Arkansas Cannabis Industry Association, Dr. Jan Bartlett and Dr. Kurt Doege from Biotech Pharmacal, and Dr. Zoraida Aguilar from Zystein, LLC. This event will be held at the University of Arkansas Science and Engineering Building along Dickson Street in Fayetteville at Room 101. Registration will begin at 4:30 PM and the event will last until 7:30 PM. Light refreshments will be served. This event I FREE.
BNA is an organization of scientists, engineers, students, and people in Arkansas who are passionate about technology and economic growth. BNA was set up in 2014 and currently has about 100 supporters. Their mission is to foster collaborations and cooperation from various companies, public and private organizations, the academia and other institutions for the growth of nanotechnology and biotechnology that will promote economic growth. Every event involves getting to know the attendees and the speakers in order to foster cooperative endeavors in support of the mission of the organization. The venue for this event is sponsored by the University of Arkansas through Dr. Ryan Tian. Light refreshments are sponsored by Zystein, LLC an BioTechPharmacal. For more information, please call 479-304-7162 or 479-263-2638.